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Made to Order


How it all started

The Beginning of Everything

Apple. Google. The microbrewery from The Drew Carey Show.

Like most great things,  Wood Jerseyswas born in a garage.

Picture it in your mind

Outside, a Canadian winter rages.

For the first time in living memory almost nobody is out playing hockey.

Too dangerous with a pandemic outside.

In one anonymous garage in south Calgary, a couple of hockey fans are hanging up sheets of plastic to separate the paint department from the CNC wood cutting department and the product development lab.

All of these departments share 250 square feet of unheated floorspace.

Heat is for wussies.

Wood Jerseys was born on the ice. 

Jerseys With Depth and Texture.

After humans invented fire, they started stacking wood to burn.

From there it’s just a hop and skip to the log cabin and our jerseys.

We use space-age, three-dimensional techniques to give our jerseys depth and texture.

Ideal for Any Wall

Our iconic silhouette is ideal for any wall and lends itself to hanging two, or even three  Wood Jerseys beside each other to represent all your loyalties (hint hint). 

With official NHL paint colours and a holographic lisence each jersey is made by hand with the assistance of, and I cannot stress this enough, a laser.

Lasers are extremely cool.